Guest registration / login

In order to facilitate visitors' entry during the epidemic prevention period, a simple registration mechanism is provided. Part of your personal information must be provided when registering. Please read the following statement before registering.

Notice of collection, processing and use of personal data

    The National Taiwan Normal University (hereinafter referred to as our school) collects, processes and uses personal data, and in accordance with Article 8 and Article 9 of the Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the Individual Assets Law), please inform you of the following, please be detailed Review.
1、Purpose of Collection
Based on COVID-19's anti-epidemic and follow-up requirements,our school must obtain your personal information.
2. Types of personal information collected
C001 Identify the individual (name, mobile phone number), C003 Identifier in the government information (identity number).
3. Period, area, object and method of using personal data
  1. Period: COVID-19 epidemic prevention period announced by the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  2. Region: Taiwan (including Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu).
  3. Target: Our school and relevant authorities.
  4. Method: Electronic file, paper or other appropriate method in accordance with the technology at the time.
4. Individual capital parties may request inquiries, viewing, making copies, additions or corrections, requesting stop collection, processing or use, and requesting deletion in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Individual Capital Law.
5. The parties concerned shall not refuse to provide information, and shall confirm the correctness of the information. If they do not provide personal information, they shall not enter the school.
6. The school may provide personal data and related data in accordance with laws and regulations or in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities and judicial authorities.
7. This website will use cookies on mobile phones to provide the most convenient way to obtain a one-day pass.


If you have registered before, you can log in directly.